Under the Events Query Settings tab, you can set your event query Settings.
- Select Layout: To set the layout as per your requirement (Default is list).
- Select Style: Customize the appearance of your selected layout (Default is Style 1).
- Events to Display: Set the number of events on the page (Default is 6).
- No of Column: Specify the number of columns for the Grid layout (Default is 2).
- Event Time: Filter events based on time – Past, Future, or All (Default is Future).
- Show only featured Event: Show only featured events by selecting Yes/No (Default is No).
- Event order: Sort events in ascending or descending order (Default is Ascending).
- Show Title: Display or hide Title in event information (Default is Yes).
- Show Date: Display or hide Date in the event information (Default is Yes).
- Show Date Icon: Display or hide the Date icon in the event information (Default is Yes).
- Show Time Icon: Display or hide the Time icon in the event information (Default is Yes).
- Event Date Formats: Choose the format for displaying event dates.
- Show highlight Date: Show or hide the highlighted date in the module by selecting Yes/No (Default is Yes).
- Select highlight Date Format: Select the format for the highlighted date.
- Show featured image: Display or hide the featured image in the module (Default is Yes).
- Default Image: Set a default image to display if no featured image is available.
- Show Find Out More: Show or hide the “Find Out More” button in the module (Default is Yes).
- Find Out More Text: Customize the “Find Out More” text.
- Show Venue: Display or hide the event venue information (Default is Yes).
- Show Venue Google Map: Display or hide Google Map in event venue information (Default is No).
- Show Venue link: Apply link on event venue information (Default is No). (Note: The Event Calander Pro must activate.)
- Select Venue Type: To set the venue as per your requirements.
- Show Venue Icon: Display or hide Icon in event venue information (Default is Yes).
- Show Description: Show or hide the event description (Default is No).
- Description Word Count: Counts the number of words in the description content.
- Show Cost: Display or hide the event cost (Default is Yes).
- Show Event Category: Display or hide the event category in the module (Default is Yes).
- Show Single Event Category: Toggle the display of individual event categories (Default is Yes).
- Add Event Category Link: Make the event category a clickable link (Default is Yes).
- Add Ajax Load More: Display or hide the Ajax Load More in the module (Default is Yes).
- Load More Text: Set the text of the Load More button(Default is Load More).
- Load More Events Count: Set the number of events shown after clicking the Load More button.
- Include Categories: Choose categories to include in events display.
Extra Filter Settings
- Exclude Categories: Choose categories to exclude from events display.