There are many settings for the default templates that will help you to design the venue template as per your requirements.
Let us discuss them one by one.
1.) Use Template On: This setting will help you apply the template to an event single page, category page, or venue page.

2.) Apply On: Using this setting, you can choose the type of venues to which you want the template to apply.

3.) Select Layout: Using this setting, you can select the default pre made templates. There are 3 layouts in the default template.

4.) Number of Events: With the number of events settings, you can limit the number of events to display in the template.

5.) Date Format: Using this setting, you can select the date format you want to use in the venue template.

6.) Template Primary Color: This setting will allow you to change the main skin color of your venue layouts.
7.) Primary Alternate Color: This setting will allow you to change the text color of the area where the background color is the primary color.
8.) Secondary Color: Using this setting, you can set the secondary color.
9.) Secondary Alternate Color: This setting will allow you to change the text color of the area where the background color is the secondary color.

10.) Custom CSS: Using this setting, you can add extra CSS.