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  4. Change Date Format

Change Date Format

Events shortcodes pro plugin helps you to display your events with different date formats. Using our Date Formats setting in the shortcode generator or block settings you can select the format in which you want to show the event’s date. By default, the “default” option is selected to showcase the event’s date in default format i.e (01 January 2023).

[events-calendar-templates category="all" template="default" style="style-1" date_format="default" start_date="" end_date="" limit="3" order="ASC" hide-venue="no" time="all" featured-only="false" show-description="yes" columns="3" autoplay="true" tags="" venues="" organizers="" socialshare="no" date-lbl="Date" time-lbl="Duration" event-lbl="Event Name" desc-lbl="Description" location-lbl="Location" vm-lbl="View More" category-lbl="Category" filterbar="no" filterbarstyle = "both" ]

Date Format: full(01 January 2023 8:00am – 5:00pm)

[events-calendar-templates category="all" template="default" style="style-1" date_format="full" start_date="" end_date="" limit="3" order="ASC" hide-venue="no" time="all" featured-only="false" show-description="yes" columns="3" autoplay="true" tags="" venues="" organizers="" socialshare="no" date-lbl="Date" time-lbl="Duration" event-lbl="Event Name" desc-lbl="Description" location-lbl="Location" vm-lbl="View More" category-lbl="Category" filterbar="no" filterbarstyle = "both" ]

Date Format: ldF(Monday 01 January)

[events-calendar-templates category="all" template="default" style="style-1" date_format="ldF" start_date="" end_date="" limit="3" order="ASC" hide-venue="no" time="all" featured-only="false" show-description="yes" columns="3" autoplay="true" tags="" venues="" organizers="" socialshare="no" date-lbl="Date" time-lbl="Duration" event-lbl="Event Name" desc-lbl="Description" location-lbl="Location" vm-lbl="View More" category-lbl="Category" filterbar="no" filterbarstyle = "both" ]