These additional settings will help you design your layouts as per your requirement. You can add custom CSS, set default image and update text for some fields.
Let us know see all the extra settings of our plugin.
1.) Custom CSS :- If you want to add/change any specific styles using CSS then you can add the custom code in the CSS editor.

2.) No Event Text :- This setting will help you to change the default text that appears when there are no events.

3.) Update Find Out More label :- This setting will help you to change the label of Find Out More.

4.) Default Image :- This setting will allow you to add a default image of the events that will be added to the events without featured Image.

5.) Display category in templates :- This setting is to check whether user want to show categories on the event layout or not.

6.) Load Google fonts :- This setting will confirm whether user want to add google fonts on there websites or not.