Under this setting tab, you can set color and typography settings for your event layouts. These settings will create the main color scheme for all designs you create using this plugin.

1.) Main Skin Color:- The Main Skin Color setting will allow you to change the main skin color of your simple events layouts.

2.) Main Skin Alternate Color / Font Color:- The Main Skin Alternate Color / Font Color setting will allow you to change the text color of the area where the background color is the main skin color.

3.) Featured Event Skin Color:- The Featured Event Skin Color setting will allow you to change the main skin color of your featured events.

4.) Featured Event Font Color:- The Featured Event Font Color setting will allow you to change the text color of the area where the background color is the featured event skin color.

5.) Event Background Color:- The Event Background Color setting will allow you to change the background color of the event layout.

6.) Event Title Styles:- Event Title Styles are used to change Title Font Family, Font Style, Subset, Text Align, Text Transform, Font Size, Line Height, Letter Spacing, and Font Color.

7.) Events Description Styles:- Events Description Styles are used to change Description Font Family, Font Style, Subset, Text Align, Text Transform, Font Size, Line Height, Letter Spacing, and Font Color.

8.) Event Venue Styles:- Event Venue Styles are used to change Venue Font Family, Font Style, Subset, Text Align, Text Transform, Font Size, Line Height, Letter Spacing, and Font Color.

9.) Event Dates Styles:- Event Dates Styles is used to change the Date Font Family, Font Style, Subset, Text Align, Text Transform, Font Size, Line Height, Letter Spacing, and Font Color.