The Filter Bar allow site visitors to search for events using various filters. Below are the details on configuring Filter Bar settings:

[events-calendar-templates category="all" template="default" style="style-1" date_format="default" start_date="" end_date="" limit="3" order="ASC" hide-venue="no" time="future" featured-only="true" show-description="yes" columns="3" autoplay="true" tags="" venues="" organizers="" socialshare="no" date-lbl="Date" time-lbl="Duration" event-lbl="Event Name" desc-lbl="Description" location-lbl="Location" vm-lbl="View More" category-lbl="Category" filterbar="yes" filterbarstyle = "both" ]

There is an option to select the filter bar style.
- Options:
- Both: Displays both the search box and filter options.
- Search: Displays only the search box.
- Filters: Displays only the filter options.